Read about our rigorous design solution to achieve an optimised pile length with minimal waste at the Osborne North Development Project.
The project
This project will deliver a state-of-the-art facility including workshop, offices, amenities, substations and other civil structures to allow for the delivery of future submarines for the security and defence of Australia. Our scope of work included the manufacture and installation of precast piles for the CSPIF and PLBTF buildings.
The challenge
To mobilise our onsite precast facility to manufacture the precast piles and meet the critical path requirements of the overall programme. Stringent settlement performance criteria through complex local geology close to the Port Adelaide River.
The solution
Significant planning for the mobilisation allowed for an efficient set-up of our onsite precasting facility and seamless commencement to pile installation. A thorough testing regime and our design expertise ensured that the performance criteria were achieved. An innovative solution for achieving the stringent top of pile level height tolerances was successfully developed.